I wrote this poem for my daughter when she was just a few months old. I was driving home from work and called my husband to let him know I had to stop and write it. I sat in a Bonefish Grill, wrote it, drove home to kiss her, and was somehow still unbothered by time. As if I had no idea how fast I would arrive at my own foreshadowing.

Scared, unsure
While you were inside
Until that very moment, with Daddy right beside.
1,000 kisses a day, as soon as we saw you
On the top of your head
The tip of your toes
Ears, cheeks, your precious little nose
1,000 kisses a day, all over you
While you were asleep
Right when you awake
After every bath you take
1,000 kisses a day, the whole day through
41 times an hour
No time for shopping,
Working, or a shower
1,000 kisses a day, is all I want to do
To talk or eat
Are what lips are for
Not now, but at least before
1,000 kisses a day, to no one until you
As you age and grow
My affection
You won’t let me show
1,000 kisses a day, I’ll long to give to you
I will learn to make due, I guess
But until that time,
There will be nothing less
1,000 kisses a day, to show my love for you.
-This entry is included in my new book "Wake Up; It's Time to Go to Life", now available on Amazon