Why is it that some of our most cherished memories are sometimes the most excruciating to recall?

Friday nights, the best nights,
Your tiptoeing on the floor
The relief in your eyes
To stay up a little more
You reaching through the seats
When I sat behind you on the flight
It reminded me of Dumbo
Everything would be alright
Singing in the shadow
Of the music in the car
I cheered for you internally
The sweetest little star
The way you rubbed your lips
With your thumb when you were sleepy,
To imagine it even now,
is making me feel weepy
You liked the color sepia,
but didn’t know its name.
You knew the way it made you feel,
which made me feel the same
I wish I had amnesia,
for dwelling in times like these,
would spare myself the slightest,
from these painful memories.
-This entry is included in my new book "Wake Up; It's Time to Go to Life", now available on Amazon